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Miley Cyrus and Log Homes: 10 Surprising Things They Have in Common – NOT!

custom log cabin homeWhen a social network guru suggested the topic of this blog (without the “NOT”) I was pretty much at a loss.  Since I don’t have any children,  don’t watch a lot of TV (especially any of the “Reality” shows) and really don’t like any of today’s music (however, Classic Rock - ROCKS), I was lacking a good understanding of some of the personality/character traits of this person called Miley Cyrus.

Living in a log home, and selling them for the past 22 years, I have a GREAT understanding and appreciation of the traits of a log home AND the folks who purchase them.   After some quick research on Ms. Cyrus, it was quite obvious that the social network guru was not quite in touch with us “loggies”,  however I believe he suggested the topic as it has a highly visible celebrity name included in the title.  A good way to have a search engine pick up your blog.

With all of the search engine optimization, google searches and numerous matrixes’ and other ways that web masters try to get folks to look and stay on your web page, I figured why not give it a shot.  Then after fully researching the celebrity – I decided to add the “NOT” to the title.

So what follows are the 10 Surprising Things (maybe not so surprising if you’ve read about her) that Log Homes Have that are NOT common with Miley Cyrus:

  1. Class – look at any log home and you’ll see a well refined structure that has stature.  Not fussy or stuffy by any means, but well behaved and liked by most everyone.  Whether in the country, suburbs or downtown – a log home fits in most anywhere.
  2. Warmth – not only energy efficient, but ask most folks what they feel when entering a log home and usually one of the top 5 things mentioned is warmth.  It’s not only the natural surroundings a log cabin home offers that contributes to this characteristic, but the people living in log homes are usually just as warm and welcoming as well.
  3. Family Friendly – We supply a lot of log homes to families with lots of children.  These rough, tough, knock about log homes withstand the childhood years and it’s usually where all of the neighborhood kids wind up.  When it’s time to play Pioneer Fort – guess where they go.  Not a PG-13 or R-Rated type of home – something you’ll feel safe in when kids are around.
  4. Sturdy Character – never wavering, always there and a place to escape the storm.  Not flashy and never obnoxious.
  5. Long Lasting – here today and here tomorrow, log homes are built to last.  No one-hit wonders or flash-in-the-pans here.
  6. Transparent – with all the large windows to let the outdoors in, it’s hard to hide in a log home.  Log homes love to welcome in all the beautiful views of nature as well as family, friends and neighbors.  What you see is what you get – no pretentions here
  7. Welcoming to ALL ages – young families, recent empty nesters or retirees – folks of all ages LOVE log homes. 
  8. Steady in a Storm – when the going gets tough – log homes will withstand the worst mother nature has in store.  Bring on the paparazzi (hurricanes), the press (tornados with LOTS of hot air), the fans (floods) and the critics (fire) – you won’t find a log home apologizing for anything and you’ll see who and what is still standing when it’s all over.
  9. Age beautifully – no one is young forever – it’s how you age, not what is your age.  Log homes will age gracefully.  Through the good and bad times and when you just want to sit and rock on the porch and grow old together – your log home will be right there with you.  Log homes won’t trade you in on a younger owner, richer owner or an owner that will get it more publicity.
  10. CAN’T (and would NEVER) TWERK! – enough said.

Hope you enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek look at comparing log homes and an over exposed Hollywood celebrity.

When you are ready to get serious about taking the next step in building a log home give one of our Log Home Building Consultants a call to set an appointment.  We’d love to hear more about your dream log home and have the pleasure to assist you along the way to making it a reality!

Remember to “Like” and follow us on Facebook.

Dorie Workman
Written by: Dorie Workman
A graduate of Marshall University in 1978 with an associate degree in Advertising and a BBA in Marketing, Dorie has held positions in Appalachian Log Structures since 1980. She was an independent Sales Consultant for 20 years helping over 200 customers buy and build their dream log home. In 1999 she began overseeing the marketing efforts for the company and helped develop their first website, as well as magazine ads, newsletters, articles, brochures and catalogs associated with the company.

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