When starting to plan a log home building project you may find it seems to be a bit overwhelming. Some people are skeptical about asking for help and others think that they will be "sold" something they don't want or need if they ask a sales person. We consider our Sales Team "Log Home Consultants" as they are knowledgeable about the entire process of building a custom log cabin home and are willing to share that experience with you.
Most all of our Consultants live in a log home (or work from a log home model) and will invite you to stop by for a visit and to discuss your building plans. They have assisted hundreds of clients through the financing process, choosing a builder as well as planning your floor plan to fit the budget you've decided. All very important steps in a successful building project!
Besides the assistance they offer before you build, our Consultants are with you during the construction phase and even after you have moved in! We're keen on keeping our clients happy and satisfied. One of the top 10 reasons that our homeowners chose to use Appalachian Log Structures as their log home manufacturer was because of the good relationship they had developed with their Consultant.
For your convenience we offer 29 Consultants that cover the following states: Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. In addition, 4 of these Consultants assist folks from the other states not mentioned above, and one even handles Exports to other countries. Combined, we have over 400 years of log home experience helping over 10,000 folks, from all over the world, successfully achieve their dream log home.
When you decide that you are ready to start on your log home building project, let one of Appalachian Log Structures Consultants assist you. Their experience, knowledge, insight and willingness to help is priceless!
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