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NC Log Home Owners use Strategic Planning

Nantahala floor plan, log cabin home, log home

Good strategy, communication, vision and hard work eventually pay off for two homeowners who used all of the planning tools in their tool belt to build their dream log home.

It was not planned or executed overnight but over several years.  Cultivating the dream, envisioning the finished product and working towards a common goal all paid off in the end.  Now this beautiful log home is the Shaffer's dream log home come true.

A lot of their own blood, sweat and tears went in to their retirement home in Western North Carolina and it really shows.  For the protection of their investment, they chose to use logs pressure treated with borates to guarantee against wood digesting insects and decay.  In addition, they also liked the advantages that the spring loaded thru-bolt offered - keeping their log cabin home tight and energy efficient over the years.

Now that it's complete - they enjoy their time on the porch looking over the picturesque views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Their home was featured in Country's Best Log home magazine and you can CLICK HERE to see more photos and read about their experiences.

When planning your dream log home, take your time, think it through and don't forget to work with a Log Home Consultant that has your best interest at heart.

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Dorie Workman
Written by: Dorie Workman
A graduate of Marshall University in 1978 with an associate degree in Advertising and a BBA in Marketing, Dorie has held positions in Appalachian Log Structures since 1980. She was an independent Sales Consultant for 20 years helping over 200 customers buy and build their dream log home. In 1999 she began overseeing the marketing efforts for the company and helped develop their first website, as well as magazine ads, newsletters, articles, brochures and catalogs associated with the company.

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