Step #1 – RESEARCH. Magazines, books, web pages, seminars, factory visits, etc are all excellent ways to start your research. Look at the different shapes, sizes and corner styles that are offered and determine which one(s) you like best. How do you want your log home building materials manufactured, in random length where you/your builder cut and fits the product at the job site, or pre-cut where product arrives ready to be assembled (or maybe a little of both)? What building materials do you want in your log home kit? How is the wood protected from wood digesting insects and decay? Does the log home manufacturer offer a warranty against decay? Are the building components grade stamped to meet local building codes?
These are just a sample of the many questions our homeowners asked us before investing in an Appalachian Log Structures Inc. material package. They also tell us that this is the step they spent the most time doing, taking up to 12 months to gather, study and finally decide on a manufacturer. By choosing your log home manufacturer as early in the process as possible, you’ll save time and effort as you continue to take the rest of the steps.
When you have questions call your local Log Home Consultant. We’re here to assist you along the way.
Next time: Step #2 – Prequalify and Establishing a Budget.