Having a successful log home building project requires lots of planning. Last time we discussed the importance of pre-qualifying and establishing a budget.
Today we’re on to Step #3 – Selecting a Building Site. If you already own the property on which you will be building your log cabin home then you are “one step” ahead of the game. You may want to read along anyway to see if there was anything you may have overlooked or forgot to ask.
It usually is easier to adapt a log house design to fit your building site than to find land that fits your design. One of the most important questions to ask when investing in property that is not on a city sewer system is if the land “perks”. A perk test is required where a septic system is necessary and is important because the system will need to be placed on the property according to where the waste water will best be absorbed in to the ground. This may require you moving the building site in order to accommodate the septic system.
Other questions you may want to consider asking before purchasing:
- Restrictions (if any) of the type/size of homes that are allowed to be built here?
- Are there architectural review boards that need to review my plans before I build?
- Are there any deed restrictions, easements or right of ways that affect the property?
- Is there a homeowners association that I will need to join? Annual fees?
- Who maintains the roads (county, state, city, owners association)?
- Is the land in a flood zone?
- When was the last survey done?
- What services are available (electric, cable, telephone, cell signals, DSL, water, sewer, garbage pick up, etc)
Asking now will save time and money in the future. Don’t forget to use your local Log Home Consultant as a resource. We’re here to assist you!
Look for Step #4 – Designing your Home in the near future.